Monday, October 5, 2009

Nonverbal Communication -- Can we talk without it?

A few days ago in class we had a little activity -- to try and tell a personal story without using any nonverbal communication. This lead to the discussion of what other nonverbal communications are there besides the basic; hand gestures, eyes opening wider to build suspense maybe a little eyebrow wiggling etc.  
By trying not to use any verbal communication we were in fact using them. Meaning, for example, when I was telling my story, I kept swiveling in the chair. Or Thomas who clutched the chair and sat rigid, not looking at anybody to avoid eye contact which is a nonverbal communication. 
Another interesting factor was how once we were allowed to use nonverbal communication, hands were flying about and the stories changed, they were more elaborate. The stories became more intriguing as emotions involved, with others feeling more like how the orator felt. This leads to as Martin and Nakayama point on nonverbal communication and how "nonverbal behaviors convey the "real" message. This is because our "nonverbal communication operates at a less conscious level". We discovered that as we had to attempt and tell our stories without using any non verbal behaviors. Kit's eyebrows for example raised at one point during her story, and when she was done and told that she raised her eyebrows she didn't even notice. 
All in all, we four students failed at telling the story without any non verbal communications, which lead to me to wonder, can someone actually talk without using any?

1 comment:

  1. Before conducting the activity in class, I took what the book said with a grain of salt- I thought that for sure we could communicate without nonverbal communication while telling a story. I don't tend to use my hands when I speak, but will change my intonation. But after observing you (you as in the participants), I was amazed! It really does make quite a difference.
    I believe that nonverbal communication conveys what we might be thinking but cannot say, which reveals our true thoughts on a subject. Because of the honesty it reveals, it shows how we interpret a situation which is important when telling a story.
    All I am saying is that after observing how difficult it was for people to tell a story without using nonverbal communication, I am more cognizant of my own nonverbal communication and now believe that it could be impossible for someone to talk without using any.
