Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Technology connects people worldwide together!

Nowadays, with highly techonology, such as internet which is effectiveness to using IM that helps people aware different cultures via chatting online such as IM on Yahoo, MSN or AOL, etc.... The fact that is IM is a really great tool for people world-wide communicate to each, such as from Bottom line of Asia to the top line of America. People can communicate and learn from each other's cultures via IM at the same time doesnot matter what is zone time is. IM is the most fastest, and cheapest way and people can give all kind of information at any time and receive it at the same moment by text-based, via talking on microphone, or seeing each other on the webcam. They can express their ideas and learning everything from each other. More that that, people can open many windows at the same time and collecting information from individuals. And that the way technology connect people together in global. So that, I am wondering that people would be able to realize that while they are chatting is what they are perceiving different cultures and aware how amazing of technology create everything in front of us as magic.


  1. I agree that IM can be the lead-way to discovering new cultures yet there are some problems. Not everybody uses IM. For example in Morocco most if not everybody uses MSN, which is a minority if not, nonexistent in the United States. So, in this retrospect, IM is more a handicap in that it creates cults of which "region" uses which form of technology.
    Although IM can be insightful we have to remember that we all are different, and that by not seeing each other face to face, conflict may arise. For example, when one is using sarcasm on any chat, tone is not expressed (unless one uses a microphone or some sort of emoticon). Although you claim its sarcasm, the person on the other computer may find it at insult.

  2. Maria, now I can find out how to response you. I think the Diplomacy Conference is really helping me to realize how everything is related to "culture." You said that "IM is more a handicap in that it creates cults of which "region" uses which form of technology."" So no matter what kind of technology now everything is culture. IM is one of media connect local to global that bring from distances to one point. Therefore, you can discovering new cultures no matter what, but it is.
